Our Lady Of Guadalupe Statue - 48" High - Resin
Product Description

Our Lady of Guadalupe Statue - From The Avalon Collection.
These exquisite church-size statues are crafted from the very finest European sculptures.
The artisans' skill and attention to craftsmanship render this statue an heirloom work of art.
A beautiful statue worthy to enhance the very finest church or chapel setting.
Remember the advantage of resin - durable and virtually unbreakable!
In 1531 Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego and helped him evangelize the people of his time with the help of a cloak full of roses and her image imprinted on his tilma.
From sculpting the delicate features of Our Lady's face and the intricacies of her attire, to meticulously hand painting every subtle detail for color shade, contrast and tone, extraordinary care has been taken with every phase of the figures' development.
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